
The Bible is, through and through, an account of God’s activity in history. And just as a surveyor must always begin from a point of reference, the book of Genesis gives us a Biblical point of reference from which all subsequent revelation proceeds. As such, the book of Genesis is a foundational book in that, without it, it would difficult to understand or interpret the rest of the Bible. If you think of the major themes of Scripture as being great rivers, ever deepening and broadening as they flow, then all these rivers have their beginning in the watershed of Genesis. 


The theme of the book of Hebrews is to show the supremacy of Jesus Christ; its purpose is to motivate us to enduring faith in the face of trials. Come join us in this incredible study of a book that, more than any other, ties the Old and New Testaments together and shows us that it has always been and always will be about Jesus.


The book of James is unlike any other in the NT. It’s not historical, doctrinal or prophetic. Its theme is simple; true faith will show itself in practical, godly living. Come join us in this study that challenges us to not just “talk the talk”, but to “walk the walk."


Men and women throughout history have struggled with the questions of suffering, such as, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” and “Why does God allow suffering?” Yet the book of Job is not primarily about one man’s suffering … it is about his view of God in that suffering. It deals with the fact that God does not always act the way we think He should, and what do we do when that happens? Come join us in an incredible study of the Word of God that is as relevant today as it was the day it was written.

1 Peter

1 Peter is a letter written to believers who are suffering intense persecution because of their faith in Christ. The emphasis of the letter is to teach believers how to live victoriously in the midst of a hostile culture. Not just enduring it, but doing so without losing heart, without wavering and without becoming bitter. Always realizing where your hope is, who your Savior is and looking forward to the glorious coming of Christ when all suffering will cease.


The most basic definition of prayer is “talking to God”, and for the Christian, we are encouraged by numerous scriptures and passages throughout the Bible to take our requests to God. This playlist compiles several messages on prayer in order to answer questions Christians may have about the purpose of prayer and what part God wants it to play in our daily lives.


Join us for this amazing study through a book known as “the greatest letter ever written” and the most important theological work ever produced. Its theme is simple; “Salvation is found only in Jesus Christ!” Yet the Apostle Paul will go into the deepest recesses of the Gospel (16 chapters, 7100 words). It sounds daunting, but it is so worth it!

Sermon on the Mount

If God preached a sermon, what would He say? We know the answer to that because we have it recorded in the Sermon on the Mount. It is a picture of what a Christian should look like if they are living under the rule of God, and one word to describe that would be “different”. Join us for this incredible study as we focus specifically on the greatest sermon ever preached.

The Amazing Bible

In this 4-part study, we will walk back through the history of the Bible in our attempt to answer the following questions: How we got our English Bible, why we can trust it, and what is the best translation for you to read.

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